Boat Shows and Winter Weather
Jan 25, 2014by Alan Kinkead
It's that time of year again...boat shows have started and hopefully, spring will arrive early. The Kansas City (Overland Park)...
Pontoon Fender Invention
May 2, 2013by Alan Kinkead
I have been asked, more than once, "How did you think of the pontoon fender?" So, I thought I'd give...
Made in the USA
Jan 5, 2013by Alan Kinkead
The last "part" to be attached to an AKUA boat fender is the "Made in the USA" decal. And, of...
Boat Show Time
Mar 6, 2012by Alan Kinkead
January-February-March is the time of the year to catch your local boat shows. The St. Louis Boat Show was February...
Christmas 1968
Dec 6, 2011by Alan Kinkead
Enough boating stories for this year. It's December and time to turn our attention to the holidays. This is the...
My First Bass Masters Classic
Nov 16, 2011by Alan Kinkead
I just sat down to read BassTimes Magazine. The very first page is called "The Editor's View" by Dave Precht....