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It's that time of year again...boat shows have started and hopefully, spring will arrive early.  The Kansas City (Overland Park) Boat Show is this week-end (1/25/14).  The weather has been so cold and blustry that I think most everyone is welcoming the thought of boating and warm weather.  The Bass Masters Classic is in Birmingham, Alabama again February 21-23.  Birmingham is my favorite place for the Classic.After the Classic is the St. Louis Boat Show Feb. 26-March 2.  I will be working with Nameoki Village Marine at this show.  There's something about a boat show to get my juices flowing looking forward to spring.

I am especially excited this year because I have a couple of new ideas for boat fenders. I like to bounce my ideas off people to see what they think.  Their input gives me valuable feedback on what's positive about the fender along with the negative.  One of the boats I'm interested in is the mid-console coastal fishing boat.  I have been developing a boat fender especially for this boat.  A friend of mine recently bought a mid-coastal and got me thinking about making a fender for it.  I have several different prototypes I'm going to try.  Boat shows are the perfect place to try them out.  If the fenders fit and look good, I know I can get  them to perform. 

Let's get back to the weather!!!. So far, it's been a rough winter. I was looking at my firewood supply, and judging by it, this winter is much worse than the last several.  The so-called polar vortex keeps sending thse clippers from the North.  Our weather pattern has been warm for a couple of days then frigidly cold.  Anyway, there's nothing we can do to control the weather--just keep positive thoughts about the coming spring.  Boat shows are good for the positive thoughts!